Design Technology
Year 9 Revision:
Year 9 – Art Deco Clock Project 1:
Students are to use the AO1 Resource in this section and complete work on a new powerpoint doc. (unfortunately students Art deco powerpoints are on their own area and cannot be accessed at home but the majority will be up to the Frank Lloyd Wright section, some still need to finish parts). Students may want to start again and improve on their work though. They will need to finish all the tasks on the powerpoint that they have not yet completed. If students have access to art materials they can start to design their own art deco patterns and their own Frank Lloyd Wright Stained glass windows. They could make collages models, paint, pencils, etc. to create their own patterns or stained glass windows (if models or to big to stick in sketchbook keep them and also photograph them). Youtube always has a great selection of art techniques that they can use as a guide to do their own work. Some examples are
Modelling techniques you can do at home.pptx
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN