Care Respect Inspire


Considering applying for a place at Pensby High School

We are thrilled you are considering Pensby High School for your child. 

Please find information here which might help you decide whether Pensby High School is the right choice: 

General Admissions Information

Admission to Pensby High School is coordinated by Wirral local authority and this process is managed in conjunction with the school's admissions policy. 

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The application process and information can be found below

This site also provides advice and support with regard to the application process.

The school never awards places, we always adhere to the formal application process and cannot provide any advice beyond that shared on the local authority website.  The school is oversubscribed, recognises the importance of an independent third-party process for both the transition from primary to secondary school and in-year applications and is committed to this independent process as the sole means of entry to the school.

Pensby High School
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN
Tel: 0151 342 0570 Fax: 0151 342 0571
Email: Headteacher: Mr K Flanagan