The school is oversubscribed and in-year applications are processed by the local authority. Generally, the school rejects any application made in-year, unless there is a criteria such as EHCP, sibling or placement via the local authority’s fair accessing panel in support of the application and the school is in effect obliged to accept these students. Parents and Carers have the right to a appeal if a place in the school is refused. In in order that the system is fair, and transparent the school comissions the local authority as an independent body to manage the appeals process.
The school will not support any appeal and will not provide any supporting statement to a parent in respect to an individual appeal. The appeals process and the decision of the appeal panel is a binding decision on both the school and the parents, so we will always treat every appeal equally and fairly, and with due regard to the current school community.
Please contact admissions at the local authority if you would like any further information with regard to the appeals process or to make an appeal for a school place.
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN