Care Respect Inspire

Care and Support

Pastoral Support 

Our pastoral system is central to the guidance and support we give your child to help him/her to progress well academically. On joining Pensby High School each child is placed in a mixed ability Tutor Group. Each Year Group also has their own Head of Year who will monitor their progress and help guide students along appropriate learning pathways throughout their school career.

Your child’s Tutor is usually the first point of contact if you have any information to share, or concerns about your child’s education or welfare. Subject specific enquiries would normally be addressed to the subject teacher. If in doubt, our Reception staff will happily advise you of the most appropriate person to contact.

Further Support

When appropriate, we may refer a student to one of our school mentor’s or to the counselling service that school brings in – there will invariably be an exceptional circumstance for this to happen. We also work closely with various external agencies to help students make the best progress possible.

Pastoral Staff

  • Mrs J Holmes (Behaviour Manager)
  • Mrs K Morse (Head of Year 7)
  • Mrs P O’Hare (Head of Year 8)
  • Mrs E Hardwick (Head of Year 9)
  • Mrs S Sullivan (Head of Year 10)
  • Mr R Woodward Booth (Head of Year 11)
  • Mr A Davies (School Mentor)
  • Mr L Hall (Academic Mentor)

How we keep your child safe in school!

‘Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.’ (Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021)

Please access the school’s policies relating to safeguarding on the following pages:

If you have serious concerns about a child:

  • Contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Heather Davies (Deputy Headteacher)
  • Wirral Integrated Front Door Mon-Fri, 9:00am – 5.00pm Tel: 0151 606 2008    Outside of these hours Tel: 0151 677 6557
  • If a child is in immediate danger contact the Police on 999

Child on Child Abuse Information

At Pensby we are aware that sexual harassment and child on child abuse may occur. We have a PSHE programme which is delivered by our staff alongside external providers who support students to consider the features of positive, healthy relationships as well as help to identify where they can get support should they, their friends or family be in a relationship where sexual violence or harassment occurs.

We have a student focus group who regularly meet to discuss issues such as child on child abuse to ensure the school is active in ensuring a safe environment for all students and are best placed to act swiftly should students report concerns.

We have produced a fact sheet about different forms of child on child abuse that will explain: What is it? What can we do about it?

A safer me – keeping our older children safe

WSCP have launched a fortnightly series of Spotlight information sessions for parents and carers, all running from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

The online sessions will cover:

  • How we work together
  • What’s happening in Wirral?
  • What can I do? 

Themes include:

  • Missing from home and care
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • County Lines
  • Peer Abuse
  • Gangs
  • Harmful Sexual Behaviours
  • Child to Adult Violence
  • Violence
  • Crime
  • Harmful Substances
  • Online Safety
  • Radicalisation and Extremism

Parents/carers can find the links to join each session at

Useful Information for Parents (and Students) by Topic

Sexual harassment and Sexual violence (Peer on Peer)

Report Abuse in Education helpline:  0800 136 663
NSPCC – Talking about difficult topics
NSPCC – Sexual behaviour in children

Childline – Sexual Harassment

Childnet – Online Sexual Harassment: Advice for Parents and Carers of 13-17 year olds
Childnet – Online Sexual Harassment
Childnet – Sexting
Childnet – Parental controls

Kidscape – Sexual harassment in schools: what can parents or carers do?

Stop it Now:
Stop it Now!

Action for Children:
Action for Children – How can I talk to my child about sexual harassment?

Tea Consent

Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation

Catch 22:
Catch 22 – Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire CSE and Missing Service

0808 800 5000 if you are worried about a child 

The Lucy Faithful Foundation:
The Lucy Faithful Foundation – Harmful Sexual Behaviour Prevention Toolkit

CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command:

You can anonymously and confidentially report:
Child sexual abuse content
Non-photographic child sexual abuse images

Pace – Child sexual exploitation

Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying)

Childnet – Online Bullying

Kidsscape – What is bullying?

UK Safer Internet Centre:
UK Safer Internet Centre

Anti-bullying Alliance:
Anti-bullying Alliance – Advice for parents

NSPCC – Bullying and cyberbullying

Young Minds:
Young Minds – Coping with life

Mental Health

Young Minds:
Young Minds

Mental health information and support

116 123

Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide:

HOPELINEUK is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide
0800 068 4141 /  07860 039967

Domestic Abuse

New Era: 
Free and confidential support to all those affected by domestic abuse 
0300 303 3778
Criminal Exploitation

National Crime Agency – County Lines:
National Crime Agency – County Lines

Child Criminal Exploitation: How do Gangs Recruit and Coerce Young People:
Child Criminal Exploitation – How do Gangs Recruit and Coerce Young People

Criminal Exploitation: Stages of Recruitment:
Criminal Exploitation: Stages of Recruitment

Slang Dictionary for Parents:
Slang Dictionary for Parents

Pace – Criminal exploitation

Online Safety

O2 – Technical support:
O2 – Keeping kids safe online

UK Safer Internet Centre:
UK Safer Internet Centre – Parents and Carers
UK Safer Internet Centre – Protecting young people from inappropriate online content

Think U know?
Think U know? – Parents

CEOP- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command:

NSPCC – Keeping children safe online

Internet Matters:
Internet Matters


Counter Terrorism Policing:
Counter Terrorism Policing

Educate Against Hate:
Educate Against Hate

NSPCC – Protecting children from radicalisation

Bereavement support

The Dove Service:
The Dove Service

Child Bereavement UK:
Child Bereavement UK

General Parenting Advice

Family Lives:
Family Lives – Confidential helpline

Pensby High School
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN
Tel: 0151 342 0570 Fax: 0151 342 0571
Email: Headteacher: Mr K Flanagan