At Pensby High School we are committed to offering an inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum to ensure all students progress to their maximum potential during their time in education. The following policy reflects our provision for these students whose educational needs deem them to be in need of support whatever their needs or abilities. This encompasses needs relating to learning, social and emotional well-being and behaviour.
At Pensby High School will aim to provide the following:
- To ensure that all students have access to a relevant broad and balanced curriculum
- To identify pupils with special education needs as early as possible in their school career
- To offer IAG (Information and Guidance) to individual students regarding post-16 decisions and where necessary collaborate with other agencies
- To ensure that parents/carers of SEN students are kept fully informed of their child’s progress and attainment
- Achieve collaboration with Heads of Department & Progress Mentors so that the learning of all students can engage and have a full entitlement to the curriculum
- Learning resources are used efficiently and effectively to ensure that all students are given equal opportunity
- Continually update the training needs of staff with regard to SEND
- To adhere to the recommendations in the Code of Practice
- To adhere to the Equalities Act 2010 Policy
Students with additional needs are served first by the planning and development of learning within the classroom, quality first teaching. In addition, there is a small team of staff that work to support the SENDCO. Progress Mentors support both in lessons when required and via small groups, and one-to-one sessions. The student support centre (SSC) is the base for support, here we have students reading, using computers for IDL or Freshstart, numeracy support and emotional well-being. The SSC is always staffed and is a place of quite and calm throughout the day. Many students choose to go to the SSC at lunch and break to send time with their friends, eat their lunch and relax in a quiet environment, the SSC is open to all as a first port of call.
The school has an intervention programme led by teachers and this is facilitated in the SSC, with the SENDCO coordinating this support.
SENDCo – Mrs E Price
Please find additional information regarding our SEND provision via the link below:
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN