Governing Body
Headteacher- Ex Officio
- Kevin Flanagan
Co-opted – appointed by the Governing Body
- Mr R Henshaw – Co Chair and Chair of Finance, Staffing and Resources (End of Term 25/06/2027)
- Mrs T Graham (End of Term 25/06/2027)
- Mr M Sutherberry (End of Term 09/02/2028)
- Mrs J Gill, SEND Governor (End of Term 10/12/2027)
- Mrs S McHattie (End of Term 28/09/2025)
- Mr P Williams (Stepped down 10/02/2024)
Foundation – appointed by the Governing Body
- Mr S Row- Co Chair, Safeguarding Governor, Chair of Curriculum Committee (End of Term 28/02/2027)
- Mrs A Challoner- Vice Chair, Chair of Pupil Personal Development and Wellbeing (End of Term 28/02/2027)
LA appointed
- Mr A Brame (End of Term 03/03/2028)
Parent – elected by the parents of pupils registered in Pensby High School
- Mrs Z Broadfield (End of Term 16/05/2025)
- Mr M Weston (End of Term 11/02/2028)
Staff – elected by the staff of Pensby High School
- Mrs S Teare (End of Term 11/11/2024)
- Ms M Pennington (End of Term 28/03/2027)
Governing Body Committee Membership
Finance, Staffing and Resources
- Mr R Henshaw (Chair)
- Mr S Row (Vice Chair)
- Mrs A Challoner
- Mrs T Graham
- Mrs S Teare
- Mr K Flanagan
- Mr M Sutherberry
- Mrs S McHattie
- Ms M Pennington
- Mr M Weston
- In Attendance – Mrs H Davies (Deputy Headteacher)
Pupil Personal Development and Wellbeing
- Mrs A Challoner (Chair)
- Mr M Sutherberry (Vice Chair)
- Mr S Row
- Mr K Flanagan
- Mrs T Graham
- Mrs S Teare
- Mrs J Gill
- Mrs S McHattie
- Mrs Z Broadfield
- Ms M Pennington
- In Attendance – Mrs H Davies (Deputy Headteacher)
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning and Achievements and Standards
- Mr S Row (Chair)
- Mrs A Challoner
- Mrs T Graham
- Mr R Henshaw
- Mr A Brame
- Mrs S Teare
- Mr K Flanagan
- Mr M Sutherberry
- Mrs S McHattie
- Mrs Z Broadfield
- Ms M Pennington
- Mr M Weston
- In Attendance – Mrs H Davies, Mrs E Price (SEND & Inclusion Manager)
Register of interests:
Headteacher Governor
- Mr K Flanagan – None
Co-opted Governors
- Mr R Henshaw (Co Chair) – None
- Mrs T Graham – None
- Mrs J Gill – None
- Mrs S McHattie – None
- Mr M Sutherberry – Treasurer of FOPS and Enterprise Advisor at Woodchurch High School
Foundation Governors
- Mr S Row (Co Chair)- Governor of Bishop Martin primary school and Garston C of E primary school, Liverpool
- Mrs A Challoner (Vice Chair)- Chair of Pensby High School PTA (registered charity)
- Ms M Pennington- Secretary for FOPHS
LA Governor
- Mr A Brame- Liberal Democrat Councillor at Wirral MBC and Governor of Ridgeway High School
Parent Governor
- Mrs Z Broadfield – None
Staff Governor
- Mrs S Teare- None
Meeting Dates 2024-25
Autumn Term
- Full Governing Body- Wed. 25 September 2024
- Pupil Personal Development & Well Being- Wed. 9 October 2024
- Finance, Staffing and Resources- Wed. 6 November 2024
- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Achievements & Standards- Wed. 20 November 2024
- Full Governing Body- Wed. 4 December 2024
Spring Term
- Pupil Personal Development & Well Being- Wed. 22 January 2025
- Finance, Staffing and Resources- Wed. 12 February 2025
- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Achievements & Standards- Wed. 5 March 2025
- Full Governing Body- Wed. 26 March 2025
Summer Term
- Pupil Personal Development & Well Being- Wed. 30 April 2025
- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Achievements & Standards- Wed. 21 May 2025
- Finance, Staffing & Resources- Wed. 11 June 2025
- Full Governing Body- Wed. 25 June 2025
Further information:
Under usual circumstances, a governor should expect to spend between 10 and 20 days a year on governing responsibilities; the top end of this commitment, which equates to about half a day a week in term time, is most relevant to the Chair and others with key roles, such as Chairs of committees. Initially, the time commitment is likely to be 10 days a year. However, there may be periods when this may increase, e.g. when recruiting a headteacher.
Under Section 50 of the Employment Rights Act 1996, if a governor is employed, then they are entitled to reasonable time off to undertake public duties; this includes school governance. Reasonable time off is not defined in law, and a governor will need to negotiate with their employer how much time they will be allowed.
Expenses: Governors may receive out of pocket expenses as a result of fulfilling their role as governor in accordance with the Governors Expenses/Allowances Policy.
Further information relating to School Governors is available at:
To contact the clerk or members of the Governing Body, please do so through the school office either by telephone, or email to:
2023-24 Attendance Registers
Full Governing Body 2023-24 register
Curriculum 2023-24 register
Finance 2023-24 register
PPWD 2023-24 register
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN