Care Respect Inspire

Trustee Opportunities

Pensby High School Foundation Trust

Pensby High School Foundation Trust is a charitable organisation established to promote, advance, assist and support the education of students at Pensby High School. The Trust is now looking to appoint additional trustees for a term of three years for voluntary non-paid positions.

Pensby High School, which is rated a Good school by Ofsted and serves 900 students and employs 100 staff, has its own governing body for running the school.

Our current Trust Board is deeply committed to its purposes in supporting education at the school and believes every child deserves the best education possible to enable them to succeed and lead a full and happy life. The bulk of the Trust’s assets and potential source of funds are held in the form of land and buildings. The Board now wishes to strengthen its capabilities by appointing a number of similarly committed individuals from a range of commercial and professional backgrounds who will bring additional expertise and knowledge to the Board. We invite expressions of interest and applications from those who feel they meet this profile and want to help us achieve our purpose in the coming years.

Successful candidates should ideally bring strengths in one or more of the following three specific areas of knowledge or experience. First, land and property development and disposal, who can assist in the best and most profitable use of our property and land assets. Second, we require legal expertise to underpin the understanding and challenge of legal compliance and the third key area is financial investment expertise which will be the product of your longstanding and active professional engagement in this area.

Candidates are likely to have a sophisticated grasp of governance, whether in the commercial or third sector. An understanding of the strategic nature of this role is a prerequisite, as is a commitment to the Nolan principles. We seek to appoint a diverse mix of Trustees to the Trust Board. Successful applicants will always be selected on merit and we particularly welcome expressions of interest from talented individuals from all backgrounds, with wide-ranging relevant experience to make informed decisions for the benefit of the students at Pensby High School.

For more information, or for an informal conversation with regard to the role, please email Susan Donaldson, Clerk to the Trust

All candidates should confirm if they are or have ever been disqualified from acting as a trustee and declare any known existing or potential conflicts. The Trust will take steps to confirm such declarations.

Pensby High School
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN
Tel: 0151 342 0570 Fax: 0151 342 0571
Email: Headteacher: Mr K Flanagan