Care Respect Inspire

Positive History work completed!

Big shout out to Year 9 on tackling their first assessment this year covering parts of the Cold War. Fabulous revision and learning in place, and we are delighted with effort and attitude on this tricky topic!

Great to see the Wednesday ‘horrible histories’ group growing to include those in GCSE years as well as Years 7-9. All welcome in E2 at 11:40 every Wednesday- bring a packed lunch, and don’t forget to complete the form emailed out, and in the club booklet given out at the start of term.

Some examples of excellent Year 7 work on life in England before the battle of Hastings and about life as an Anglo-Saxon.

See images below:


Pensby High School
Irby Road, Heswall CH61 6XN
Tel: 0151 342 0570 Fax: 0151 342 0571
Email: Headteacher: Mr K Flanagan